Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mental torture

My soul is being wracked by the cruellest of harpies! My heart is crushed and shrivelling in my breast! In other – and slightly less emotive – words: I am not allowing myself to go travelling – ANYWHERE - until I have decorated my house (the ‘harpy’ is me by the way).

This doesn’t seem like much, except that:
1. Since I decided this I can think of nothing but taking my pack, jumping on a train and heading South.
2. I am the laziest creature in the known universe. Ever. (ask Mutley or Frog…or indeed, anyone who knows me). So the decoration is unlikely to happen any time soon.

The thing is, I’ve been in this house for years and haven’t really done a lot to it. I’ve always meant to do-it-myself but (see above) I haven’t. So, I’ve decided the best thing is to hire tradesmen to do-it-for-me. Therefore, since I can’t afford to travel and pay a joiner, the gallivanting must be put on hold.

Friends and work colleagues have been less than supportive I’m sad to say. Young Ricardo has stated, quite plainly, that he doubts I can stick to my guns. Others have questioned the need for such stringent measures. But for me it’s the ideal solution. The quicker I can get the house in order the quicker I can claim my prize: free use of my passport and full tenting privileges.

And it’s working. Sort of. I have already purchased (environmentally friendly) paint for kitchen and bathroom, made a definite decision on flooring and I may even have found myself a joiner. Also, I feel I’m getting very close to actually doing something. It’s coming. Any day now. I know it.

I am currently attempting to quiet my wanderlust by planning a trip to Andalucia next spring – it’s like window shopping. While looking for suitable campsites in the region I came across El CAMPING LOS GAZULES. Look at the absolutely glorious description included in the English version of their site:
“The CAMPING THE GAZULES this located in the hearth of the Natural Park of the ALCORNOCALES, Which allows its outdoors practices it numerous activities, lide senderismo, scaling, exits in mountain bicycle, strolls to horse, kaying, ornithological routes, fotografic in the nature, ect. Ideal for the lovers of the sun and the nature.

Ample parcels of facil acces, equiped to welcome caravans all the year, are distributed next to modern facilities that include bungalows, swimming pools, hot water showers freee, infantile areas of game.

In our restaurant it can eat the tipica food of the zone.”

I am most intrigued by the ‘ample parcels of facil access’ and long to frolic among the ‘infantile areas of game’. ‘Ideal for the lovers of the sun and the nature’. Can you think of anything more romantic?

You must excuse me. I think I’ve found the energy to go and do a bit of stripping in the spare room.

Oh! Before I go, be sure to check out my new movie blog. You'll find a link on the right there. Cheerio.


At September 16, 2006 6:14 pm, Blogger Jaffers said...

Erm....what does "lide senderismo" involve then?

At September 16, 2006 7:57 pm, Blogger JazzBaby3 said...

I wondered that myself. What do you reckon? The writing and posting of vague or misleading letters? Not much of a holiday pastime.

At October 21, 2006 12:44 pm, Blogger Jaffers said...

This blog is feeling sadly neglected and unloved...I think I spy a small cobweb in the corner too...


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